Team President
Areli Venegas
Oversees all team activities to assure alignment with team goals.
Conducts leadership/team meetings
Collaborates with leaders and mentors to plan agendas for team
Serves as the “face of the team” with school officials, the community, FIRST, the media, and other teams
After final competition, assists in team reform and leadership selection for the following year
Competition & Operations Director
Jacob Nava & Areli Venegas
Responsible for the quality of all parts coming out of the machine shop and training for all members.
Oversees all shop activities to assure alignment with team goals.
They are to make sure all parts are labeled and bagged.
Responsible for the quality and progress of all assemblies in Team 1323.
They are to make sure all parts are quickly processed and assembled onto the project at hand.
Technical Director
Ryan Lorance & Miguel Vargas
Oversees all shop and lab activity to assure alignment with team goals
Collaborates with leaders and mentors to plan agendas for team
Ensures students have passed safety tests for all machines
Ensures students are trained to use machines
Ensures all parts coming out of the shop are quality and ready for assembly or powder coating
Programming & Controls Director
Harnoor Hans
Oversees all projects within programming team
Ensures team software is up to date
Media & Submission Director
Areli Venegas
Oversees all Social Media and Presentations to assure alignment with team goals
Collaborates with leaders and mentors to plan activities and Outreach events for team
Works with Communications Director to assure a strong standing in both traditional and social media
Ensures blog and website are both consistently updated with accurate information that is relevant to the image and current goals of the team
Ensures there are quality photos and video of every event we attend
Ensures all media is stored properly on Google Drive
Ensures presentable/useful match videos are taken and prepped for driver audience after every match
Aids in efforts to promote team within our district and community
Ensures all media that is posted publicly under team social media is presentable, appropriate, and is consistent with team goals and team image.
Ensures any media is pushed up to Communications for final inspection before its release
Finance Directors
Matthew Garcia & Areli Venegas
Responsible for the bookkeeping of all team finances each year.
Responsible for all sponsor related activities, such as thanking the sponsors, reaching out to new sponsors, and keeping track of all sponsor information.
In charge of the CAW that must be turned in for the robot.