Mr. Valmonte
- Handles student recruitment (Google Classroom, Remind, waivers, announcement etc.)
- Handles all paperwork related to trips and event planning
- Assists in MTTD planning committee
Head Mentor
Ranjit Chahal (R.C.)
- Handles ordering of robot parts & other shop related components
- Facilitates engineering mentors
- Overall overseer of the robotics program and shop, top level director of program
- Meets with core leadership weekly to discuss goals and success/failures
Gary Chahal
- Aids and train the students in assembly and CAD of the robot
- CAD subassemblies and components of the FRC Robot during build season
- Creates prototypes for FRC Robot
- Helps with overall robot design and execution of strategy
Elias Avila
- Aids and trains students with using the shop equipment: Manual and CNC equipment
- Aids and trains students with wiring of the robot
Leo Begley
- Aids students in assembly and construction of all projects, not limited to robot. This includes shop racks and various other projects
- Aids students in training of CNC equipment
- Trains students to wire the robot
- Trains students to plumb the pneumatics system
- In charge of working with sponsors to secure materials and services; such as powdercoating, anodizing, materials etc.
Harvey Rico
- Aids students with competition strategy
Isaac Duarte-Villa
- Aids students with programming
Bob Hinkel
- In charge of planning out events
Sunny Chahal
- In charge of handling sponsorships
- Aids students in developing outreach media; such as website, twitter etc.
Wendy Warnes
- Aids students in write ups for robot, outreach and various other award submissions
- Aids students in developing outreach media; such as website, twitter etc.
- Info
Nathaniel Perez
- Aids students with programing
Pedro Mendoza
- Aids students with operating CNC machinery
Gabriel Alcantara
- Aids students with bot assembley
Xavier Sifuentes
- Aids students with wiring electrical compenents
- Aids students with bot driving